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James E. Finn


Have You Had an... 'Experience'?

What exactly is an experience (what people generally call “spiritual experiences”)? Well, according to the etymology:

Late 14c. "observation as the source of knowledge; actual observation; an event which has affected one," from Old French esperience "experiment, proof, experience" (13c.), from Latin experientia "a trial, proof, experiment; knowledge gained by repeated trials…"


The beginning of that definition sums the picture up rather well … it’s an observation as the source of knowledge; actual observation; an event which has affected one. Something has happened that is seen / felt / heard, and people generally aren’t too sure exactly what it was … but they have gotten some kind of “information” that is leading them down some unknown road. Who was behind this event? Generally, this too is also unknown, but, guesswork abounds. Something happened that presented some kind of information, and as an add-on, whether or not this information is even true, is also an unknown.


The subject goes on from here, and in the overall picture there have been more failed experiences than we know what to do with. There are also experiences that have proven to be true, and again the overall picture is confused enough to make one wonder what is REALLY happening if this scenario pops up in your life.


On top of this, there’s a clash with medical experts who believe this could also be a mental problem. There are also doctors that are really curious about the topic and want to look into it. I have spoken with three of them over the years, just to see what they had to say. I shared my work to date with them (2012, 2015 and 2018), and all three times … no problem. I found this interesting because the main topic involved (one that has had more “problems” in this experiential picture than you can imagine) was what we have come to know as “the end times.”


Now, the difference between my experiences and those that have failed miserably boils down to the fact that I was supposed to try and figure this subject out. In other words, does it REALLY EXIST as a topic, or, is this just a passed down delusional story? I have spent decades trying to iron this out, and there is more information missing thanks to religious guesswork than you can possibly imagine. Ever wonder why there’s such a big difference between Christianity and, for instance, the Hopi version of the end times story? There’s even a time change in the historical presentation between the Hopi and the Aztecs. This could be a cultural glitch regarding the timeframe these people’s ancestors existed who had the original data, or it just could be another deliberately changed picture. The core of the picture boils down to; the Aztec say this is the end of the fifth world, and the Hopi say this is the end of the fourth world. According to what I have, the fifth world picture is correct. Approximate dates are as follows, according to the work of Dr Paul LaViolette found on this link. What we are dealing with is a recurring event called a galactic superwave.


Beginning of the First World. C 38,000 BC – after a 5000 year long superwave.

Second world (after this event ended). C 33,000 BC

Third world (after this event ended). C 28,000 BC

Fourth world (after this event ended). C20,000 BC

Fifth world (after this event ended). C 13,000 BC


When I shared my information with the last psychologist I contacted, who held a PhD, he said:

Dear Jim, Finally three days of reading and I have read your manuscript. I find it fascinating from the consciousness perspective, which to me is the way you perceive things from your point of view. I have little knowledge on the dooms day stuff. I have investigated ufo work and met Dr. Mack who was a superb researcher. However I have never made that my point of research, so I can not really say much about it, I am unfamiliar with the writer's you mention and know there are many who falsely predict things as you point out. I did like the incident with the triangle on your steps, it has a Jungian synchronicity to it. Anyway, thank you for sharing your ideas with me, I really was honored to read your work. (All three psychologists had asked to withhold their names.)


What’s written in this PDF linked below are the continued research topic notes I have accumulated over the decades. As said, this “end times” picture is at the core, what it really is, and then it goes one step further into another subject that is so screwed up, it isn’t remotely funny. That subject - we call it the UFO / ET subject. Out of all the “ET” experiences I have looked at, there was only ONE person who was given same the information I had to put together – and her name was Landi Mellas. Landi and her coauthor, the late Davis Caywood, show the best experiences for “experience hard data” with an added picture of deception … “information” coming in from another source. Her FIRST experience tells us what we need to know (including one other experience later in her life), and everything else she went through (and David in his life) is deliberate deception from another source.


Everything for us boils down to a single line: Once upon a time we knew what we were supposed to know … then … we lost it. History has gone on since the end of the “last world” roughly 12,000 rounded years ago after the last event was over. Like they are today, ET was here back then ‘in case of problems and a need for human evacuation’ (like the last event, and the megafauna extinction). The only real problem we are still suffering from today regarding ET, is that the ancient “religious controllers” back then slowly changed the ET picture into what we call polytheism. Every culture had their own story and their own gods, and then, in the middle of the 1300s BC, one person tossed polytheism out the window and created the first proto-monotheistic religion – and “the sun” was now god. There is also historical information that has vanished that makes this picture even more confusing, trying to accurately trace this monotheistic religion’s path to today.


As said, this work deals with trying to constantly find more information, and in some cases it can take a LONG time, and is technically never finished. I have presented these topic notes in a book-like explanatory manor, and each topic fits the overall picture in one way or another. I leave the picture itself up to you to fit together, because constructivism (which makes YOU do all the work) is much better regarding learning than classical teaching (having the answers HANDED to you and never checking them out). At any rate, if you do not agree with what I have said in any particular topic, this is fine, just make sure you have the reasons why it’s wrong. Have fun.

Download the complete PDF here: Why We Have No Clue (2023)


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